St. Louis Galleria in Richmond Heights, MO has 150 stores which include the following anchors: Dillards, Nordstrom, Macys. - Mall Website

Avg. Household Income
Median Age
Local Population
Trade Area Population

Facility Features

Auditing Yes
Client Viewing Yes
Database Yes
Display Area Yes
Kitchen Yes
In-Store/Executive/Medical Yes
Door-to-Door No
Bilingual No
Off Site - CLT Yes
Pre-Recruiting Yes
High Speed Internet Access Yes
# of Computers 1
# of Booths 1
# of Monitored Booths 1
Office Size 1,800 SQ. FT.

Population Breakdown

  • Caucasian - 58%
  • A/A - 32%
  • Hispanic - 3%
  • Asian - 3%
  • Other - 4%

Note: Less than 4% is not labeled on the chart.

63117, 63105, 63144, 63143, 63124, 63139, 63130, 63119, 63110, 63112, 63133, 63109, 63132, 63108, 63116, 63113, 63114, 63121, 63123, 63120, 63126, 63122, 63131, 63118, 63115, 63103, 63104, 63141, 63106, 63167, 63111, 63107

  • Drury Inn & Suites,(314) 968-3704
  • Homewood Suites,(314) 863-7700
  • SpringHill Suites,(314) 647-8400